BOCC Monthly Meeting 3/17/10, Part #1
Full Agenda: [none]
BOCC Monthly Meeting 3/17/10, Part #1
Time: 00:00:07 - 01:20:07
Time: 00:12:09 - 00:27:28
Time: 00:27:36 - 00:33:32
Item F
Time: 00:33:31 - 00:40:07
Item P-6
Approval of a Resolution in support of the Boy Scouts amended application to rename all of the Spanish Harbor Keys, including West Summerland Key, to "Scout Key".
Time: 00:40:22 - 00:44:48
Item M-3
Discussion and revisit by the Board of prohibiting parking, standing, or stopping, of vehicles along County right-of-way on both the north and south side of Sunrise Drive, North Sunrise Drive, and Ocean View Drive in Tavernier, from Tarpon Street to the Atlantic Ocean.
Time: 00:44:52 - 01:09:37
Item O-2
Approval of a resolution directing the Supervisor of Elections of Monroe County, Florida to place on the August 24, 2010 Election Ballot a referendum question concerning whether the Superintendent of Schools for Monroe County should be changed from an Elected Official to one Employed by the School Board.
Time: 01:09:42 - 01:11:16
Item C-6
Approval to submit an application to South Florida Workforce for funding positions until September 30, 2010 and authorization for the County Administrator to execute any other required documentation in relation to the application process.
Time: 01:11:22 - 01:15:03
Item C-7
Approval of the amended Group Health Plan Document.
Time: 01:15:00 - 01:21:13
Item P-7
Discussion of negotiations with FEMA regarding proposed modifications to the County's floodplain management ordinances and related matters.
Time: 01:21:57 - 01:47:03
Item P-4
Discussion & direction re County Personnel Policy provisions: Preamble Excerpt: "No elected or appointed public servant should borrow accept gifts from the staff or any corporation which buys services from, or sells to, or is regulated by his or her governmental agency. If one's work brings him or her in frequent contact with firms supplying the government, he or she must be sure to pay his or her own expenses." Policy 1.05.C. "Employees shall not accept any gift, favor or service from any member of the public, I including but not limited to Christmas and/or birthday gifts."
Time: 01:47:09 - 02:25:29
Item C-13
Approval of a Contract with William P. Horn, Architect P.A. for professional services to develop a Master Plan for the Higgs Beach Park. The contract is in two phases. Phase I for $55,500 is for the Master Plan Design. With community and BOCC acceptance and approval, the Architect will be directed in writing to proceed to Phase II for $67,500 for the production of documents required for submittal to the City of Key West for Developmental Approval. The Contract states that the County reserves the right to terminate the Contract upon completion of Phase I if so desired. Total cost of Phase I and II will be $132,000.
Time: 02:25:23 - 02:40:19