June 15, 2010 Board Meeting
Full Agenda: [none]
Regular monthly meeting of the Fulton County Board of Education
1. Call to Order
1.01 Recognitions
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Approval of Agenda
Time: 00:00:00 - 00:09:24
2. Board Matters
Time: 00:09:24 - 00:14:21
3. Superintendent's Report
Time: 00:14:21 - 00:18:28
4. Closed Session Action Items
Time: 00:18:30 - 00:19:06
5. Consent Agenda
5.01 Minutes from May 2010 Board Meetings (action)
5.02 Health Education Advisory Committee - Supplemental Education Materials (first read)
5.03 Board Policy - ECF - Utility Conservation (action)
5.04 Board Policy - EDAA - School Owned Buses (recommended for rescission - action)
5.05 Board Policy - EDCB - Bus Conduct (recommended for rescission - action)
5.06 Board Policy - EDG - Accident Reporting (recommended for rescission - action)
5.07 Board Policy - EGAA - Worker's Compensation (recommended for rescission - action)
5.08 Board Policy - EGAF - Unemployment Insurance (recommended for rescission - action)
5.09 Board Policy - EGAE - Annuities (action)
5.10 Board Policy - IFCB - Field Trips (action)
5.11 Board Policy - IFCD - School Volunteers (action)
5.12 Board Policy - IHA - Grading and Reporting System (action)
5.13 Board Policy - IKB - Controversial Issues (action)
5.14 Policies and Procedures Review Schedule (information)
5.15 Board Policy - GAHB - Employee Political Activities (information)
5.16 Board Policy - DFK - Gifts and Bequests (first read)
5.17 Board Policy - FDBA - Existing Facilities Inventory (first read)
5.18 Board Policy - FEAB - Architects Involvement in Project Planning (recommended for rescission -first read)
5.19 Board Policy - FH - Completed Building Projects (recommended for rescission - first read)
5.20 Board Policy - GAEA Staff Protection (recommended for rescission - first read)
5.21 Board Policy - FED - Plans and Specifications of Facilities (first read)
5.22 Board Policy - GA - General Personnel Section (first read)
5.23 Board Policy - GAAA - Equal Employment Opportunity (first read)
5.24 Requirements Contract for Milk and Milk Products (action)
5.25 Requirements Contract for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel (action)
5.26 Requirements Contract for Language Labs (action)
5.27 Requirements Contract for IWATSU-ADIX Telecommunications Equipment (action)
5.28 Requirements Contract for Implementation Services and Support for SAP Integrated Business System (action)
5.29 Athletic Field Use Agreement Renewals (action)
5.30 Financial Update (information)
5.31 Capital Programs Monthly Reports ending April 30, 2010 (action)
5.32 Grant Budget Adjustment (action)
5.33 Banking Resolution (action)
Time: 00:19:07 - 00:19:41
6. Discussion
6.01 Contracting Report for Items Between $100,000 and $1,000,000 (action)
6.02 General Fund Budget Reduction (action)
6.03 Budget Calendar Revision (action)
Time: 00:19:41 - 00:31:19
7. Announcements and Adjournment
Time: 00:31:19 - 00:32:07