Introduction |
Time: 00:00:00 - 00:00:51 |
Call To Order, Invocation, Pledge to Flag |
Time: 00:00:51 - 00:02:29 |
Opening Remarks by Chairman |
Time: 00:02:29 - 00:03:08 |
Approval of Agenda |
Time: 00:03:08 - 00:03:25 |
Approval of Minutes |
Business Session: December 15, 2009
Public Hearing: December 15, 2009
Executive Session: January 5, 2010 |
Time: 00:03:25 - 00:03:52 |
Consent Agenda |
From 10am Work Session |
Time: 00:03:52 - 00:04:50 |
2008-2526 |
Approval Formerly 2008-0611, to fill District 4
appointment to theTree Advisory Committee. Term January 1,
2010 through December 31, 2011. District 4/Kenerly (Tabled on
09/22/2009) |
Time: 00:04:50 - 00:05:30 |
2009-0696 |
Approval of appointment to the Family and Children
Services Board. Term expires June 30, 2014. District 4/Kenerly
(Tabled on 09/22/2009) |
Time: 00:05:30 - 00:06:07 |
2009-0976 |
TSP-2009-00028 - Construct a 96 foot tall
Monopole Telecommunication Tower with a 4 foot lightning rod
(overall height 100 feet). Location is: Stephens Road, Loganville.
Commission District 3 (Beaudreau). (Tabled on
11/17/2009)(Public hearing was held) |
Time: 00:06:07 - 00:07:50 |
2010-0037 |
Approval of appointment to the Water and
Sewerage Authority - Lasseter/District 1 Appointment - Term
Expires December 31, 2010 |
Time: 00:07:50 - 00:08:30 |
2010-0032 |
Approval and adoption of the fiscal year 2010
Operating, Capital and Grant budgets, and preliminary approval of
the 2010 - 2015 Capital Improvement Plan. |
Time: 00:08:30 - 00:45:57 |
2010-0021 |
Award RP022-09, provide transportation
consultant demand professional services on a multi-year contract,
Department of Transportation, per attachment A. The initial term
of this contract shall be January 06, 2010 through December 31,
2010, base amount $7,500,000.00. This contract shall terminate
absolutely and without further obligation on the part of the
County on December 31, 2010 and at the close of each
succeeding calendar year for which it may be renewed. This
contract may be automatically renewed on an annual basis for
four additional twelve-month terms, for a total lifetime contract
term of five years, total base amount $27,000,000.00, upon the
same terms and conditions as provided for in this agreement,
unless previously terminated. This will be funded by 2001, 2005,
and 2009 SPLOST. Authorization for the Chairman to execute
contracts subject to approval by the Law Department. Contracts
to follow award. This is a demand services contract to include:
Pedestrian/Bikeway Improvement, Minor Road, Major Road,
Intersection Improvement, Bridge Replacement/Improvement and
Traffic Engineering Design Services and Survey, Transportation
Planning Services, ITS/ATMS Engineering Services and
Environmental Investigation and Permitting Services. (Staff
Recommendation: Award) |
Time: 00:45:57 - 00:47:07 |
Comments from Audience |
Time: 00:47:07 - 00:50:11 |
Adjournment |
Time: 00:50:11 - 00:50:22 |