BOCC Monthly Meeting, 2/10/2016
Full Agenda: [none]
BOCC Monthly Meeting, 2/10/2016
Time: 00:00:02 - 00:00:30
Time: 00:00:30 - 00:02:08
Presentation to Tom Hambright, Senior Librarian - Local History for his thirty years of services to Monroe County.
Time: 00:02:08 - 00:10:10
Time: 00:10:10 - 00:15:08
1. Approval of the minutes for the meetings held on January 19, 2016 and January 20, 2016.

2. Approval of contracts to purchase property for conservation.
a. Block 6, Lots 1, 29, and 30, Gulfstream Shores, Key Largo
b. Block 2, Lot 32, Eden Pines Colony, Big Pine Key

3. Approval of a resolution adding a portion of Peary Court in Key West to the Acquisition List and authorizing funding toward the City of Key West's purchase of said property for affordable housing.
Time: 00:15:08 - 00:20:54
Item C1
Approval to accept a bid proposal, waiver of bid irregularities, and approve a contract with the most responsive bidder "Cliffhanger Janitorial, Inc.", providing janitorial services at the Key West International Airport, in the annual amount of $394,999.92, to be funded in full with Airport Operating Fund 404.
Time: 00:20:54 - 00:22:02
Item C14
Approval of Amendment 2 to task order with EAC Consulting, Inc. for engineering design and permitting services for Lake Surprise Estates (Key Largo) Roadway and Drainage Improvements project. The amendment provides modified design and revised construction drawings to adapt the project for sea level rise (SLR) projections based on 2015 tidal data for an additional fee of $42,510.
Time: 00:22:02 - 00:24:06
Item H6
Presentation of a resolution to the Board of County Commissioners from the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) recommending and supporting the County funding and completing a workforce housing study to support development of inclusionary housing requirements for hospitality and commercial sector to build workforce housing.
Time: 00:24:06 - 00:27:38
Item I1
Discussion and direction related to the Administrative Fees included within the ground leases the County has approved for the development of affordable housing and direction on requests to waive the administrative fees which were originally intended to reimburse the County for the coordination of affordable housing.
Time: 00:27:38 - 00:44:01
Item L2
MAYOR CARRUTHERS: Approval of a resolution requesting SB 306/HB 143 be amended to also authorize Counties to qualify as a "coastal community" as defined in the proposed bills which create F.S. 403.70325,to allowing qualifying counties to also participate in a pilot program to regulate or ban disposable plastic bags, in addition to municipalities.
Time: 00:44:01 - 00:50:31
Item L3
MAYOR CARRUTHERS: Approval of a resolution urging the passage of SB1554/HB 4063 to repeal F.S. 386.209 to allow local control of smoking regulations and urging citizens to recognize the negative impact of second hand smoke and refrain from smoking or using tobacco products on County property.
Time: 00:50:31 - 00:52:10
Time: 00:52:10 - 00:58:19
Time: 00:58:19 - 00:59:29
Item Q1
Discussion and direction regarding adopting a resolution, ordinance and rules and regulations to allow the use of bikes in Monroe County skate parks.
Time: 00:59:29 - 01:10:26
Item N8
Approval of a resolution expressing support for Florida Department of Environmental Protection's 2016 Legislative budget request to address the safety conditions of the historic pedestrian bridges along the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail.
Time: 01:10:26 - 01:17:50
Time: 01:17:50 - 01:21:53
Item O3
Report on status of Key West Resort Utilities (KWRU) rate application pending in front of Florida Public Service Commission, Docket No. 150071-SU; discussion and direction to staff.
Time: 01:21:53 - 01:29:05
Item C4
Announcement to accept public comment on the County's application for Passenger Facility Charge Application #16 funding at Key West International Airport and the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport.
Time: 01:29:05 - 01:37:29
Time: 01:37:29 - 01:41:19
Item N6
Discussion and direction on borrowing strategy on the current debt-funded construction projects as well as presentation on the general long-term countywide capital requirements versus resources.
Time: 01:41:19 - 02:32:39
Item P1
A public hearing to consider an ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Amending the Monroe County Future Land Use Map from Industrial (I) to Commercial (COMM) for property located at approximate mile marker 9, described as four parcels in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Rockland Key, Monroe County Florida, having Real Estate Numbers 00122080.000000, 000122081.000200, 00122010.000000 and 00121990.000000; and from Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing (MCF) and Industrial (I) to Mixed Use/Commercial (MC); creating Policy 107.1.6 Big Coppitt Mixed Use Area 1, to provide limitations on development and specific restrictions; for property located at approximate mile marker 9, described as a parcel of land in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Big Coppitt Key
Time: 02:32:39 - 05:27:05
Item P2
A public hearing to consider an ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Amending the Monroe County Land Use District (Zoning) Map from Industrial (I) and Commercial Fishing Area (CFA) to Mixed Use (MU) for property located at approximate mile marker 9, described as a parcel of land in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Florida having Real Estate Number 00120940.000100, and from Industrial (I) to Commercial 2 (C2) for property located at mile marker 9, described as four parcels of land in Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 26 East, Rockland Key, Monroe County, Florida, having Real Estate Numbers 0012280.000000, 00122081.000200, 00122010.000000 and 00121990.000000; as proposed by Rockland Operations, LLC and Rockland Commercia
Time: 05:27:05 - 05:29:40