FCS Called Board Meeting 6-22-10
Full Agenda: [none]
FCS Called Board Meeting 6-22-10
1. Call to Order
1.01 Approval of Agenda
Time: 00:00:00 - 00:00:35
2. Closed Session Action Items
2.01Closed Session Action Items
Time: 00:00:36 - 00:01:04
3. Discussion
3.01 Tentative Millage Rate Adoption (This item was pulled since the tax digest has not been provided to the district.)
3.02 Revised Millage Adoption Calendar (action)
3.03 Final FY11 Budget Adoption (action)
Time: 00:01:04 - 00:35:04
4. Announcements and Adjournment
4.01Announcements & Adjourment
Time: 00:35:01 - 00:36:20