BOCC 2/21/07 #1
Full Agenda: [none]
Item B
Additions, Corrections, Deletions
Time: 00:00:00 - 00:07:46
Item C
Presentation of Awards
Time: 00:07:46 - 00:15:50
Item D
Bulk Approvals
Time: 00:15:50 - 00:22:01
Item D-15
Art in Public Places
Time: 00:22:01 - 00:27:51
Item D-18
Pigeon Key ferry service
Time: 00:27:51 - 00:45:42
Item H
Land Authority
Time: 01:01:31 - 01:31:19
Item D-26
Waiver of building permit and application fees for affordable housing.
Time: 01:31:19 - 02:07:59
Item M-4
Color dividers on 18-Mile Stretch
Time: 02:07:59 - 02:21:24
Item G
Board of Governers
Time: 02:30:18 - 02:35:33
Item P-16
Pigeon Key
Time: 02:35:33 - 02:42:16