BOCC Monthly Meeting. Part #1, 9/15/10
Full Agenda: [none]
BOCC Monthly Meeting. Part #1, 9/15/10
Item B - Presentation Of Awards
Time: 00:07:28 - 00:00:00
Item C - Bulk Approvals
Time: 00:16:50 - 00:00:00
Item F - Land Authority Governing Board
Time: 00:21:35 - 00:00:00
Item G - Fire and Ambulance
Time: 00:58:43 - 00:00:00
Item O.2 - Presentation by Carl Chidlow
Carl Chidlow of Cardenas partners, LLC.
Time: 01:06:43 - 00:00:00
Held Bulk Approval Item C.3
Duck Key Security System Bids
Time: 01:15:20 - 00:00:00
Held Bulk Approval Item C.7
Continue use of Harford Life Insurance
Time: 01:16:11 - 00:00:00
Held Bulk Approval Item C.22
Approval of Unity of Title execution
Time: 01:17:23 - 00:00:00
Item D3 - Approval of "At Large" apointment to the TDC
Time: 01:18:49 - 00:00:00
Item D.4 - Vacancy on the TDC
Time: 01:20:30 - 00:00:00
Item E.1 - Staff Reports
Time: 01:20:50 - 00:00:00
First Break
Time: 01:23:44 - 00:00:00
Item O.3 - Presentation by Cristian LaCapra
Regional Manager, Miami Dolphins
Time: 01:24:03 - 00:00:00
Item H - Extension Services
Time: 01:31:56 - 00:00:00
Item J.2 - Approbval to trasmit Compilation Report
Time: 01:47:14 - 00:00:00
Item M.5 - Portion of Richard Road for walk up use only
Time: 02:51:37 - 00:00:00