Planning Commission Meeting, 4/13/11
Full Agenda: [none]
Planning Commission Meeting, 4/13/11
Item 1 - Request Denied
Jones Residence, 11 Cypress Avenue, Raccoon Key, Mile Marker 5: A request for approval of a variance of twenty-five (25) feet to the twenty-five (25) foot required front yard setback along the southeastern property line in order to construct a gate house. The subject property is legally described as part of Block 3, Lot 1, Key Haven Eighth Addition (PB5-61), Raccoon Key, Monroe County, Florida, having real estate number 00138770.000000.
Time: 00:03:45 - 00:18:53
Item 2 - Conditional Approval
Sellers Residence, 10 Calle Dos Drive, Rockland Key, Mile Marker 9: A request for approval of a variance of eighteen (18) feet to the twenty-five (25) foot required front yard setback along the western property line in order to construct a swimming pool. The subject property is legally described as Lot 10, Rockland Village No. 2 (PB7-17), Rockland Key, Monroe County, Florida, having real estate number 00149011.001000.
Time: 00:19:17 - 00:31:49
Item 3 - Continued to June 8th
Key Largo Ocean Resort (KLOR), 94825 Overseas Highway (US 1), Key Largo, Mile Marker 94.8: A request for approval of a major deviation to the site plan and major conditional use permit approved by Planning Commission Resolution #P35-07. The subject parcel is legally described as portions of Sections 13 and 14, Township 62 South, Range 38 East on Key Largo, being part Tract 10 and part Tract 11 of Southcliff Estates (PB2-45), Monroe County, Florida, having real estate numbers 00483390.000000, 00483400.000000, 00088680.000100 and 00088670.000100.
Time: 00:31:50 - 03:23:45