Zoning Commisson Public Meeting of July 27, 2009
Full Agenda: [none]
Zoning Commision Public Meeting of July 27, 2009
Introduction and Preliminary matters for the ZC Public Meeting of July 27, 2009.
Time: 00:16:40 - 00:21:40
Case # 07-35A - Sheridan Terrace Redevelopment, LLC & DCHA
Consent Calendar: Sheridan Terrace Redevelopment, LLC & DCHA @ Squares 5869 and 5872
Time: 00:21:35 - 00:30:27
Case # 02-06 - Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District
Final Action: Neighborhood Commercial Overlay District
Time: 00:30:38 - 00:34:59
Case #09-07 - Scott & Kristen Franklin
Final Action: Scott & Kristen Franklin -- Map Amendment to R-4 Zone District: 2269 Cathedral Ave NW
Time: 00:35:05 - 00:36:44
Case #02-51C-Center for Strategic & International Studies, Inc
Final Action: Center for Strategic & International Studies, Inc -- Second-Stage PUD @ 1616 Rhode Island Ave NW
Time: 00:36:52 - 00:38:07
Case # 06-43A - American University
Final Action: American University -- Two-Year Campus Plan Time Extension @ McKinley Building
Time: 00:38:15 - 00:46:24
Case #06-13B - John Akridge Development Company
Final Action: John Akridge Development Company -- Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ 5220 Wisconsin Ave NW
Time: 00:38:15 - 00:46:24
Case #06-29A - Washington Value Added I, LLC
Final Action: Washington Value Added I, LLC -- Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ 1143 New Hampshire Ave NW
Time: 00:38:15 - 00:46:24
05-17C/05-32C - Broadway Atlantic One LLC et als
Final Action: Broadway Atlantic One LLC et als -- Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ Squares 2873 and 2875
Time: 00:38:15 - 00:46:24
Case 08-33 - Conference Center Assoc. I, LLC
Proposed Action: conference Center Assoc. I, LLC -- Consolidated PUD, 1st Stage PUD, & Related Map Amendment @ Parcel 121/31
Time: 00:46:48 - 00:55:32
Case #08-21 - The Athena Group
Proposed Action: The Athena Group -- Consolidated PUD & Related Map Amendment @ 4460 MacArthur Blvd, NW
Time: 00:55:45 - 01:29:12
Case #09-10
Hearing Action: Office of Planning -- Text Amendment to Allow the Establishment of a Water Tower on the St. Elizabeth's Campus
Time: 01:29:20 - 01:43:00
Case # 09-11
Hearing Action: Office of Planning -- Text Amendment to Permit Retail & Service Uses by Special Exception in the SP-2 Zone Districts
Time: 01:43:08 - 01:57:22