Zoning Commission Public Hearing of February 21, 2013
Full Agenda: [none]
Zoning Commission Public Hearing of Thursday, February 21, 2013
Introduction and preliminary matters for the Zoning Commission Public Hearing of Thursday, February 21, 2013.
Time: 00:02:20 - 00:08:11
Z.C. Case No. 05-30C
This case concerns a proposed modification of an approved planned unit development ("PUD") and related Zoning Map amendment at 6000 New Hampshire Avenue, N.E. (Square 3719, Lot 41) (the "Subject Property"). The Subject Property is included in a PUD and related Zoning Map amendment approved in 2007 pursuant to Z.C. Order No. 05-30. On the Subject Property, the Order approved 58 apartments in two existing vacant buildings and rezoned the site to the R-5-A Zone District. The proposed modification will change the use of one existing building from apartments to an adult day treatment facility and will make changes to that building. The Applicant also proposed to reduce the total number of apartments in the other existing building from 58 to 46. On November 13, 2012, the Zoning Commission received the application of Karajoel, LLC ("Applicant") for the minor modification of an approved PUD and related Zoning Map amendment. On November 30, 2012, the Office of Planning provided its report recommending that the Commission not consider the modification to be minor, principally because the modification represented a change in use and the proposed new use requires approval as a special exception, and that the requested modification be set down for a public hearing. The Commission agreed with both recommendations at its public meeting held December 10, 2012.
Time: 00:08:18 - 02:48:35