Zoning Commission Public Hearing of October 11, 2012
Full Agenda: [none]
Zoning Commission Public Hearing of Thursday, October 11, 2012
Introduction and preliminary matters for the Z.C. Public Hearing of Thursday, October 11, 20120.
Time: 00:00:51 - 00:03:30
Case No. 12-06: Office of Planning - Text Amendment re: Antennas (1st Case)
The Office of Planning ("OP") submitted a report dated June 29, 2012 that served as a petition requesting text amendments to the Zoning Regulations. The report recommended amending the Zoning Regulations to provide that no OP report is required as part of the permitting process for upgrades and maintenance of existing antenna sites, or for the installation or maintenance of antenna-related equipment cabinets. At its regular public meeting held July 9, 2012, the Zoning Commission setdown this case for a public hearing. The proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations, Title 11 DCMR, are as follows: Chapter 27, REGULATIONS OF ANTENNAS, ANTENNA TOWERS AND MONOPOLES, Section 2711, OFFICE OF PLANNING REPORT, is amended as follows (new text is shown in bold and underline text): 2711 OFFICE OF PLANNING REPORT 2711.1 The Zoning Administrator shall not take final action on an application to permit an antenna tower, a monopole, or an antenna not exempted by § 2707, or for the modification of an existing antenna not exempted by 2711.4, until a report is received from the Office of Planning or thirty (30) days have passed since the application was submitted to the director of the Office of Planning, whichever occurs first. 2711.2 The Director of the Office of Planning and the Zoning Administrator may agree to lengthen the time period indicated in § 2411.1, but in no event shall the review period exceed sixty (60) days. 2711.3 The report of the Office of Planning shall provide specific criteria and information sufficient to enable the Zoning Administrator to determine whether the antenna complies with the applicable requirements of this chapter. 2711.4 A report from the Office of Planning is not required for the: (a) Installation or maintenance of antenna-related equipment cabinets and shelters consistent with the roof structure regulation; (b) Modification of an existing antenna site that involves a one-to-one replacement of antennas or an increase of one antenna to a mount or sector, for no more than four (4) antennas per mount or sector, and provided that there would be no change to the permitted locations on roof tops or increase in the height of the antennas.
Time: 00:03:35 - 00:24:15
Case No. 12-12: Office of Planning - Text Amendment: New § 2405.9, PUD Standards (2nd Case)
The Office of Planning ("OP"), in a report dated July 26, 2012, petitioned the Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia ("Zoning Commission" or "Commission") for a text amendment to the Zoning Regulations (Title 11 DCMR to clarify that a PUD property's base zone must be used for calculating eligible gross floor area and uses in a combined lot development. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Regulations, Title 11 DCMR, is as follows: By adding a new § 2405.9 to read as follows: 2405.9 Any additional density or development rights granted through a PUD, including PUD-related map amendments, cannot be transferred as part of a combined lot development. Proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations of the District of Columbia are authorized pursuant to the Zoning Act of June 20, 1938, (52 Stat. 797), as amended, D.C. Official Code § 6-641.01, et seq. The public hearing on this case will be conducted as a rulemaking in accordance with the provisions of 11 DCMR § 3021. Pursuant to that section, the Commission will impose time limits on testimony presented to it at the public hearing.
Time: 00:24:24 - 00:26:31
Case No. 12-13: Office of Planning - Text Amendment: Section 199.1, Defnition of Clear Height, Floor to Ceiling) (3rd Case)
Text amendment to clarify that when measuring the clear height of a building's ground floor, the measurement is to be taken from grade level, rather than from the level of the ground floor's finished floor.
Time: 00:26:35 - 00:29:28