Zoning Commission Public Hearing of June 6, 2013
Full Agenda: [none]
Zoning Commission Public Hearing of Thursday, June 6, 2013
Introduction and preliminary matters for the Zoning Commission Public Hearing of Thursday, June 6, 2013.
Time: 00:01:09 - 00:08:34
Z.C. Case No. 02-38D: Waterfront 1001 14th Street, LLC - 2nd-Stage PUD @ Square 542
The Applicant is requesting approval of a second-stage planned unit development ("PUD") for the construction of a residential building approved as a first-stage PUD in Z.C. Case No. 02-38A. The Office of Planning provided its report on February 1, 2013, and the case was set down for hearing on February 11, 2013. The Applicant provided its prehearing statement on March 27, 2013. The property that is the subject of this application consists of approximately 56,619 square feet of land area and is located at 1001 4th Street, S.W. (Square 542, Lot 828). The subject property is part of Record Lot 89 in Square 542, and Z.C. Order No. 02-38A, which also approved the PUD-related rezoning of this lot to C-3-C. The Applicant proposes to construct an 11-story residential building with ground floor retail. As proposed, the project would have approximately 388,000 square feet of gross floor area, with approximately 4,300 square feet of gross floor area devoted to retail use. The project would include approximately 365 residential units. The maximum height of the residential building is proposed to be 114 feet. The massing of the building is consistent with the form and massing approved in Z.C. Order No. 02-38A, which included a U-shaped building having a maximum height of 114 feet and an approximate gross floor area of 406,900 square feet. This public hearing will be conducted in accordance with the contested case provisions of the Zoning Regulations, 11 DCMR § 3022.
Time: 00:08:41 - 03:14:04