Summer Town Meeting 8/8/12
Full Agenda: [none]
Opening Remarks:
William Litchfield, Town Moderator
Time: 00:01:34 - 00:06:15
Summer Residents Advisory Committee:
Hal Kraus, Chairman
Time: 00:06:19 - 00:10:10
Chatham's 300th Birthday:
Florence Seldin, Chairman, Board of Selectmen
Time: 00:11:20 - 00:18:23
State of the Town:
Jill Goldsmith, Town Manager
Time: 00:20:30 - 00:44:21
Wastewater Update:
Jill MacDonald, Chairman, Sub-committee on Wastewater
Time: 00:46:40 - 00:52:06
Coastal Issues:
Ted Keon, Director, Coastal Resources
Time: 00:52:38 - 00:54:22
Modular Construction:
A possible Fire Headquarters Option - Hal Kraus
Time: 00:58:27 - 01:18:30
Chatham Scorecard:
Hugh Moulton, Chairman, Sub-committee on Finances, Town Facilities
Time: 01:19:36 - 01:24:40
Audience Questions:
Bill Litchfield
Time: 01:27:57 - 02:03:03
Closing Remarks:
Hal Kraus
Time: 02:03:06 - 02:05:31