Zoning Commission Public Hearing of July 18, 2011
Full Agenda: [none]
Zoning Commission Public Hearing of July 18, 2011
Introduction and Preliminary matters for the ZC Public Hearing of July 18, 2011
Time: 00:00:21 - 00:04:50
Z.C. Case No. 11-03 - Hoffman-Struever Waterfront, LLC - First-Stage PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Southwest Waterfront, Squares 390, 391, 471W, 472, 503, and adjacent riparian areas
(PUD) The Applicant is requesting the review and approval of a first-stage planned unit development ("PUD") and a related zoning map amendment to rezone the subject property from the R-3 and W-1 Zone Districts to the W-1 and C-3-C Zone Districts, and R-5-B in the alternative for the St. Augustine's parcel. The property that is the subject of this application consists of portions of Squares 390, 391, 471W, 472, 473, and 503; certain streets to be closed including portions of Water Street, S.W., and limited portions of 7th, 9th, and N Streets, S.W., and M Place, S.W.; and certain riparian rights along the Southwest Waterfront. The site has approximately 991,113 square feet (22.7 acres) of land area, and approximately 817,835 square feet of land area after subtracting out areas to be devoted to private roadways and sidewalks. The PUD site also includes approximately 820,309 square feet (18.8 acres) of riparian area. The property is presently either unzoned or located in the R-3 or W-1 Districts. The Applicant proposes to redevelop the Southwest Waterfront into a new urban waterfront with maritime, commercial, cultural, residential and neighborhood-serving uses. The project will include approximately 3,165,000 square feet of gross floor area, and an aggregate floor area ratio of 3.87, which excludes the private roadways and sidewalks. Proposed uses will include approximately 1,200 mixed-income residential units; no less than 400,000 square feet of office space; limited- and full-service hotels with a total of approximately 625 sleeping rooms; approximately 200,000 square feet devoted to retail uses; approximately 100,000 square feet devoted to cultural activities; approximately 25,000 square feet of space devoted to maritime activities, and approximately twelve acres of parks and open space.
Time: 00:05:08 - 05:00:24