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TC-2012-02-01 Town Council

Franklin Town Council 2/1/2012
Call to order - Announcements - No Proclamations or Citizen Comments
Time: 00:03:36 - 00:04:43
Master Planning Comm - Franklin Community Garden Comm
Time: 00:04:43 - 00:05:30
License Transactions
99 Restaurant - Change of Manager - Bellino's Grill on Main Street transfer to new entity
Time: 00:05:30 - 00:07:22
High School Building Comm - Towm Mercer Chairman - Recess
Time: 00:07:22 - 01:45:21
Res 12-05 Appropriation - Res 12-06 Set Date of election - Res. 12-07 Ballotl Question Recess
Time: 01:45:21 - 01:47:37
5 Minutes
Time: 01:47:37 - 01:52:58
Res 12-08 Refunding Bond order (Treasurer Dacey saving funds by refunding Bonds - over 1 Million in total interest Costs) - Res 12-09 Appropiation Debt Principal (10K to fund the Refunding effort) - Bylaw 12-673 Sewer System Map 1st Reading off Daniels street Existing home with failed septic system
Time: 01:52:58 - 02:02:31
Town Administrator - Future items for Council consideration Old/New Business - Council Comments - To Adjournment
Time: 02:02:31 - 02:08:59