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TC-2011-06-08 Town Council - Budget Hearing #1

Franklin Town Council 6/8/2011
Regular Meeting and 1st Budget Hearing - Call to order
Time: 00:05:18 - 00:06:10
Joint appoinment for membership to the Planning Board - John Carroll
Time: 00:06:10 - 00:07:44
Public Hearing
1st Reading of the Franklin Budget for FY2012
Time: 00:07:44 - 00:39:25
3 Minutes
Time: 00:39:25 - 00:42:38
Res 11-27 Appropriation for FY 2010 - Allowance for Abatements and Exemptions
Time: 00:42:38 - 00:44:30
Res 11-28 Appropriation for existing Free Cash to place in it the Stabiliization Fund ($200K) - Tabled to June 15th meeting
Time: 00:44:30 - 00:56:14
Res 11-29 Salary of Elected Officials
Time: 00:56:14 - 00:57:09
Town Administrators report
Old/New Business - Councillor Comments (Late Citizen Comments) to Adjournment via Executive Session
Time: 00:57:09 - 01:09:37