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SC-2010-10-26 School Committee

Franklin School Committee 10/26/2010
Opening of the meeting - Call to order -Pledge of Allegiance
Time: 00:00:40 - 00:02:40
Routine Business
Citizen Comments (None) - Review of agenda - Minutes 10/12 - Pay bills - Payroll - FHS Students reps - Correspondence
Time: 00:02:40 - 00:06:31
Guests and Presentations
Anti-Bullying task force
Time: 00:06:31 - 01:10:06
5 Minutes
Time: 01:10:06 - 01:16:36
Guests and Presentations
Special Education - Beth Fitzmaurice
Time: 01:16:36 - 01:46:30
Discussion Only
Policy IHGB Homeschooling 2nd Reading
Time: 01:46:30 - 02:58:02
Discussion only
Delegate selection MASC Convention - Community Outreach
Time: 02:58:02 - 03:00:38
Action Items
8 various issues
Time: 03:00:38 - 03:03:45
Information Matters
Time: 03:03:45 - 03:05:49
Sub-Committee / Liason Reports
Also New Business to adjournment via Executive Session - will not return to open session
Time: 03:05:49 - 03:08:42