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SC-2011-09-27 School Committee

Franklin School Committee 9/27/2011
Call to order - Announcements - Pledge of Allegiance - Moment of Silence - Minutes 9/13 - Pay Bills - Payroll - FHS Student Reps.
Time: 00:00:36 - 00:07:44
Guests and Presntations
FHS School Improvement Plans
Time: 00:07:44 - 00:47:50
Guests and Presentations
Lifelong learning - Summer Updates
Time: 00:47:50 - 01:45:49
Discussion only
Transportation updates
Time: 01:45:49 - 01:49:55
Discussion only
Finalizing Supt evaluation
Time: 01:49:55 - 01:52:24
Action Items
9 Items - Accepting checks - Approve Field Trips -- Approve Budget Transfers - Approve FEA Contract
Time: 01:52:24 - 02:11:27
Information Matters
Supt. Rerport - Sub Committees - Liason Reports - New Business - Adjornment
Time: 02:11:27 - 02:21:32