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CC-2010-03-25 Conservation Commission

Franklin Conservation Commission 3/25/2010
Opening the meeting - Minutes for 2/25 approved as ammended
Time: 00:00:28 - 00:01:36
Agents Report
15 Ribero Drive discussion - Tree remo\val
Time: 00:01:36 - 00:12:23
Agent's Report
MEPA Letter - Forest Harvesting Project - 3 Chilmark Rd. Swimming Pool - Drainage / storm water - Fletcher Field Rain garden - Earth Day
Time: 00:12:23 - 00:20:26
14 King Phillip Rd - Needs after the fact filing for work already done - 5 Cobblestone Dr. Certification for order of conditions
Time: 00:20:26 - 00:22:57
Permit extension for Order of Conditions at Spruce Pond 3 Year Request - Moved to grant with a termination date certain - Last Extension 5-0-0
Time: 00:22:57 - 00:26:41
General Discussion
Future item for policies discussion re: minutes 4/8 - Recent Bylaw change how to get a copy prior to recompilation of the Town Code book
Time: 00:26:41 - 00:29:44
Public Hearing - NOI -
282 Summer St. - Crossway Church Continued until April 8th meeting after site walk 3/29
Time: 00:29:44 - 00:54:06
Public Hearing (Continued)
148 Washington St. - Hearing Closed Negative Determination Issued
Time: 00:54:06 - 01:07:31
Public Hearing (Continued)
924 Washington St. - Continuance requested / Granted
Time: 01:07:31 - 01:09:13
Public Hearing (Continued)
348 East Central St. - Continuance Requested - Request for an outside consultant to view the wetlands (Graves Engineering and Eccotech) detention structure/habitat - Noted that the Planning Board requested a Hydrologic Engineer (Ted Moraine)
Time: 01:09:13 - 01:18:20
DelCarte open space/wetlands plan (Dam replacements) - Noted a Special Meeting needed for this issue as well as one for the Multi-town gathering with the Chartles River Watershed Assoc. - To Adjournment
Time: 01:18:20 - 00:00:00