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SC-2010-06-08 School Committee

Franklin School Committee 6/8/2010
Opening the meeting. Vision and Mission Statements. Pledge of Allegiance. Erica Sturtevant Remmington Middle School - No Citizen Comments. Minutes of 5.25.2010 Voted. Approived 6.1..2010 Executive Session.
Time: 00:02:25 - 00:06:58
Guests and Presentations
Retirements - Dr. Anne Bergen - Judy Bassignani - Joyce (Saster) Bardol - Nearly 100 years collectivley teaching in Franklin. Certificates for members of Annie Sullivan Community Service group - Raised over $5,000 for Leukemia Research among other projects. - Maggie Streeter 2010 JFK Make a Difference Award winner / Best Buddies program.
Time: 00:06:58 - 00:19:55
Guests and Presentation
Tom Mercer (Chmn of Committee) and Sean Fennel (OPM Rep from Daedeius) report on FHS Building committee.
Time: 00:19:55 - 00:38:37
Discussion Only Items
Memo of Understanding - Transfer of ownership between the School System and the Town for a 5 Year Extension for Building Maintenance (Agreement has worked well for past 2 years) Subject to an Annual review by the School Committee - Elementary Foreign Language Programs restructuring - Health and Wellness, Physical (BMI) Life Choices and Bullying programs in K-5 - Open Circle problem resolution program. - Middle School Foregin Language programs restructuring focus on Spanish eliminate Latin and move program to the High School.
Time: 00:38:37 - 01:06:56
Guests and Presentations
Data Assessment Tools
Time: 01:06:55 - 01:13:56
Action Items
Facilities MOU adopted
Time: 01:13:56 - 01:14:35
Sup. Reports
Sub-Committee and Liason reports - Old/New Business - Comments (Thanking Custodial Staff) to adjournment via executive session
Time: 01:14:36 - 01:18:56